Emmanuelle Pdf English

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Veni, Veni Emanuel (O Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel) from Family Christmas Online™

This may be the oldest carol in our collection. The words were written in the 12th century possibly pulling together texts from older sources. The tune we are used to is probably French and was used at least once for a fifteenth-century funeral hymn.

The English lyrics we use most often are an updated version of John Mason Neal's 1851 translation.

Emanuel means 'God with us;' it's one of the titles of Jesus, whom the Bible says came to bring us into fellowship with the Father. Many of the lines of this carol include references to Old Testmant prophecies of the Messiah; for example, He would descend from Jesse and hold the authority of David.

Because the narrator of the lyrics seems to be looking forward, not backwards toward the coming of the Messiah, this is song is often used during Advent, the four-week period in which members of liturgical churches are told to prepare their hearts for Christmas.

Note: Like many hymns we use today, this carol has many more verses that are contained in most hymnal. In such cases, I try to collect the verses that most hymnals contain in the versions that most people are used to singing. Following the example of hymn-collectors through the ages, I usually leave out the other three to five verses that would just confuse people. In some cases, Latin hymnals tend to include a different subset of verses; after all, some verses that are completely unsingable when translated into English are the best part of the original. On this page, you'll notice that the Latin version is 'missing' some verses the appear in the English version and has at least one verse that isn't represented in English on this page. If we have left out your favorite verse, Latin, or English, please let us know and we'll take another look.

To hear an MP3 file of the song click here.

To download the melody only sheet music for this song in pdf format, click here

To download the SATB sheet music for this song in pdf format, click here

Latin Text:

Veni, veni Emmanuel,
Captivum solve Israel,
Qui gemit in exilio
Privatus Dei Filio.

Gaude, gaude! Emmanuel
nascetur pro te, Israel.

Veni, o Jesse Virgula;
Ex hostis tuos ungula,
De specu tuos tartari
Deduc et antro barathri.


Veni, veni, o Oriens
Solare nos adveniens;
Noctis depele nebulas
Dirasque noctis tenebras.


Veni clavis Davidica;
Regna reclude caelica;
Fac iter tutum superum,
Et claude vias inferum.


Veni, veni Adonai,
Qui populo in Sinai
Legem dedisti vertice,
In majestate gloriae.


English Text:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
Who orderest all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.


O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan’s tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory over the grave.


O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death’s dark shadows put to flight.


O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.


O come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of all mankind;
Bid Thou our sad divisions cease,
And be Thyself our King of Peace.

e u r o f i L e s


T e A M.L o V E i N A

e n J o y

Hello? ls that you, Emmanuelle?

Hello, Marie?

Yes, I'm leaving.

My flight is at 10.

Yes, I'll hurry up.

Sure, you can come if you like.

No, neither Christian

or anyone else. Come alone.

All right. See you then.

Bye bye.

You'll be fine at 5 o'clock.

-Yes, but when one is alone...

One is neveralone in life.

It's like on a boat:

Worries, love seem unreal.

Everything is allowed!

-Yes, but nothing is possible.


Lots of people f*ck on airplanes.

I'd never dare!

-One must always dare.

But if what you say is true,

aren't you afraid she'll...

No, I didn't marry her to

deprive her of anything...

Nor to put her in a cage...

But because she loves to make

love and she's great at it!

And you don't think some people

would try and take advantage?

I'm not jealous, I say.

Jealousy is outdated.

See this girl?

All science and innocence.

But it's no miracle.

They all had to learn.

And they do anything you want?

-Even more. For the right price.

That's what bothers me.

I don't like paying for it.

The idea makes me go limp.

It's hardly that simple.

I'm off to the airport.

See you at 5 at the embassy.

It's always the same faces.

Ex-adventurers, diplomats.

They are dying to see you.

I showed them your pictures.

Have you shown them my pictures?

-Of course.

I enjoywatching them

and showing them off.

Maybe even more so.

I'm proud of you.

Say, this photographer.

-What about him?

Have you made love with him?

Oh, Jean.

He never even touched me.

Strange. I thought an artist

always had to sleep with his model

before accomplishing a portrait.

If not before, then afterwards.

Poor fellow!

He must have suffered.

Not at all.

He was gay.

Wait a minute.

What is the matter, dear?

-Let's leave. It's horrible.

Emmanuelle Pdf English Download

This boy with the chicken.

This beggar! I hate this country.

That's nothing, darling.

Emmanuelle Pdf English Dictionary

Welcome to Thailand.

Take it easy.

You'll see, you'll love the house.

I drive by here every day

on my way to the embassy.

I don't see it anymore.

Come on, baby.

This is Tim, Vine, our cooks.

No, not like that. Like this!

And this is Ap and Noi, the maids.

They are stunning. You chose them?

-Yes. John, the houseboy.

Our factotum.

Come see the house.

It is over 100 years old.

It belongs to a princess.

I had to court her for three

months before she let me rent it.

It's splendid.

Just splendid!

I neverimaginedanything like this.


Your little maids. Are they good

at making love with you?

I couldn't compare

any otherwoman to you!

You are just saying that

to please me.

Please me. Please me...

Please me...

Not at all.

I'm fitting out my house.

I'm very happy to be alone

with Jean.

You'll see in a few months' time.

Our only enemy here is boredom!

And our only ally to fight it:

making love.

You'll get around to it. Unless Jean

has suddenlybecome jealous?

No, it is a choice I made myself.

Jean wouldgladly push me

into his friends' arms.

I never tell my husband anything.

He's no worse off because of that.

True, Richard does looks very smug.

Hi, girls.

Allow me to present Emmanuelle.

Emmanuelle, you just missed out

on a great occasion.

A smallnaval vessel.

It's crew was splendid

and knew how to manoeuvre!

Why didn't you come?

You'd have had lots of success.

I spent the weekend at Pattaya

Emmanuelle Pdf English Free

with my husband.

Jean took you away on purpose.

-No, I don't think so.

Emmanuelle Pdf English Version

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Emmanuelle Pdf English Free

Your loss. Occasions like this one

are quite rare in Bangkok.

I haven't been home for two days.

Luckily my husband is very busy.