Balderdash Game Word Generator

  1. Balderdash Word Generator
  2. Balderdash Game Word Generator Free

DIY Instructions: This game is very similar to the TV Show ‘Would I Lie to You’, except the players must give definitions of words. The more difficult and unusual the words, the better. Again, you can use the word generator above, or similar, to determine a list of words – again on post it notes or postcards – and this time. Start studying Balderdash Words. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying Balderdash Words. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. If you've ever played the game 'Balderdash,' you may have heard of the 'Weird Words' category. This category lists some pretty strange words. These are a few examples of word you may come across while playing that game. Balderdash Game Rules. START GAME SHOW WORD. Example of word in use. This game requires one phone or tablet which is to be shared between players, and pencil and many small papers for each player. Begin by creating all the Players that are going to be playing. Press 'Start Game'.

Dec 30th, 2014
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Balderdash Word Generator

  1. $author : Cecily Jordan
  2. $description : Generates a Balderdash word and its definition. If the generator yields a word already used in the same game session, simply hit 'Dash!' to generate another word.
  3. $picture :
  4. whiskerino – a beard-growing contest
  5. gawf – a shiny red apple
  6. locofoco – a self lighting wooden match
  7. agaphite – a variety of Persian turtle
  8. tucket – a section of a trumpet
  9. noil – short bits of wool used for making yarn
  10. beek – to bask in front of a flaming fireplace
  11. fewmet – deer dung
  12. distelfink – stylized birds found in Pennsylvania Dutch art
  13. gulgul – ground-up seashells made into paste, use in water-proofing wood.
  14. jato – a coined word from the space program meaning “jet assisted take-off”
  15. herl – part of a feather used to make fishing lures
  16. itaiitai – a bone disease discovered in Japan which literally means “ouch, ouch.”
  17. emunctory – pertaining to blowing one’s nose
  18. flang – a miner’s double-edged pick
  19. crwth – a six stringed violin
  20. philodox – someone who loves to hear themselves talk
  21. rakehelly – down and out, drunk and in really bad shape
  22. naprapathy – a medical system based entirely on massage therapy
  23. hypoprosexia – an abnormally short attention span
  24. parbuckle – a rope used for raising or lowering caskets
  25. pesade – a buck by a horse
  26. manchineel – a poisonous tree with fruit similar to apples
  27. vinegaroon – a scorpion that gives off a smell of vinegar when attacked
  28. avering – begging with no clothes on to get sympathy
  29. capo – a device used to change the key of a guitar
  30. drabbler – a small surplus sail designed to attach on an existing sail, in schooners and ships
  31. paraph – a little squiggle at the end of someone’s signature
  32. fusarole – an architectural moulding
  33. pollard – an animal which has lost its horns
  34. walla-walla – theatre slang for what extras whisper in crowd scenes to pretend they’re talking
  35. $result
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Balderdash Game Word Generator Free