Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella

  1. Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella Kids
  2. Math Lesson Activities
  3. Reading Lesson Activities

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Discussion Guide. These discussion questions for the novel by C.S. Lewis include prompts for comprehension and recall, higher level thinking skills, literary elements, and personal response.

Last week, The Chronicles of Narnia – Voyage of the Dawn Treader was aired here in Malaysia. I found myself joining the crowd of kids and their parents to the cinema. I’m humbled to say that there are much lessons that we adults can learn from this movie. I know – it’s meant for children, and the lessons are pretty obvious but upon further reflection, I see a reflection of the same problems in us adults. So here there are, a few lessons I gained from watching Narnia – The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1. Discuss the relationship of time in Narnia to time in the children's world. Who is the old professor? Based on your knowledge of The Magician's Nephew, how much time has gone by in the professor's life in relation to the world of Narnia?What hints are there in the story about how much time has gone by? To celebrate the birthday of C.S Lewis on the 29 th November, here is a list of 5 writing activities inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia. These writing activities are great for everyone, whether you’ve read the books or not! 5 Writing Activities Inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia. Draw your own magical world, inside a wardrobe.

Lesson 1

Don’t try to be someone else. Lucy wanted to be like Susan, believing that she’s not pretty and good enough. It’s obvious when we see it in a teenage girl – but ask ourselves, how often do we see this malady, subtle in adults? Narnia is a world where Lucy and Edmund’s self worth is revealed – but they have no idea how to carry that to this world. Our world. They were sad and wishing to be back in Narnia all the time. What if we can live a life equivalent to that of princes and princesses in this world? Not literally of course – but that we and everyone else has the courage, loyalty and value to add to this world?
What appears to be imperfection can be perfection in larger context.
and yet its use is inexhaustible.
and yet its use is endless.” The Tao 45th Verse.

Look beyond appearances which can be superficial. Eustace was a pain in the ass, who ended up saving all of them. Of course, his character also adds humor to the entire movie, which otherwise could have been too serious and dour. Certainly when the pain in the ass comes in the form of a kid in a movie, that we can laugh about, but when it comes in the form of a co-worker or a boss, or a relative, or a spouse, then it’s not so laughable anymore right?

Well, then it’s time to remember the Tao, there could be a reason for ass-holes in our lives and it’s not to make our lives miserable. It’s to teach us to stop judging and learn to see beyond the superficialities.

Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella Kids

The grass is not always greener next door.

Look at your own grass and appreciate them. Edmund’s torch has helped and saved them in many ocassion. But he wanted Peter’s sword.

You don’t need offensive weapon to show your might. You don’t need mansions, fast cars, fancy gadgets to feel successful. You don’t need what someone else’s has to boost your self-worth. By this, I don’t refer just to materials stuff, but also personal skills. You don’t need to have the charisma of Obama, or the vocal skills of Oprah, or the looks of Brad Pitt, or the writing skills of Steve Pavlina to be of value to others. Look within, you have something that is of value. Everyone does.
Imagine you’re stuck in a ship, and there’s someone who travels with you who just love to insult you. This someone has no respect for you at all and thinks you’re a hideous stinky rat!

Don’t let insults from some silly kid hurt your feelings. Don’t let people who are unconscious of their actions make you feel bad. Reepicheep never held any grudges against Eustace despite the insults he threw at him all the time. Of course the kid is stupid and didn’t know better, but aren’t we all sometimes? We tend to judge others based on our reality of the world and pass insults either silently or vocally.

Whether we’re the ones passing the insults or at the receiving end, remember this, no insults can hurt you unless you believe in their truths.
There’s no devil. The only evil lies in our hearts.

They become reality when we stopped believing in our own worth and fall into temptations. Edmund wanted to take gold out. Eustace grabbed the gold and turned into a dragon. Lucy tore a page out from the book of incantation to make herself pretty like Susan. They all fell into the temptation of thinking that having more gold or beauty, they will live better and happier lives.

There are no bad guys, no monsters or orcs in this movie. You only see a bunch of green mist creeping around consuming people. It’s a good metaphor to illustrate the unconsciousness in us and how they take hold of us and consumed us. Oh,
there was a sea serpent at the last part, but it was produced from Edmund’s fear.

What would the green mist turn into when it creeps up on you? What would whisperings will you hear? Your deepest fear, your cravings, your attachments, doubts, resentment… or will it have nothing to hold on you?
1)God is a lion in Narnia
2)The gates of heaven is guarded by tall swirling waves
3)Animals can talk in Narnia, so stop eating them here you carnivores!

During the month of January we are reading or rather listening to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis during lunch time. One of our groups on Facebook is doing a book club and this is the book that was chosen. I am delighted in sharing this book with my youngest son as he has not heard it before. Eldest and Princess haven’t heard it since they were in early elementary when Riley read it to them and Riley read it to Big Red last year.

Math Lesson Activities

I want to bring the story of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to life a bit for the younger ones as well as do extension activities so that the older ones can count more hours on their high school transcripts. Since I do not have a lot of time or money I thought it would be wise to do a quick Google search and see what I could come up with.

First I want to tell you about how you can read or listen to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe for free. Yes, you read that right! If your library participates in Overdrive or Hoopla you can check out an ebook or listen to audio on a supported device anywhere. If you would like to listen from a tablet, laptop or desktop you can stream the audio for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe from Ancient Faith Ministries.


I got excited when I heard all of the animals listed in the first chapter of the book! Any one of these can be researched for Nature Study which is Science and Art rolled into one. I will list them below for reference and will link to any free resource posts we have that relate to that particular topic!

Resources Related to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Owls- Free Owl Resource post

Free Printables for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Story Study Lapbook from Homeschool Share

Map of Narnia from Narnia Web

The Wardrobe Paper Craft from Deviant Art

Narnia Printables from Activity Village

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Book Study from Lasting Thumbprints

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Unit Study from Homescholar

Beaver Unit Study and Lapbook from Homeschool Share

Fox Unit Study Lessons and Lapbook Printables from Homeschool Share

Lion Lapbook Lessons and Printables from Homeschool Share

Narnian Timeline from The Lion’s Call
Study Guides to the Works of C.S. Lewis from Living the Legacy C.S. Lewis

Lucy Printable Paper Dolls from The Lion’s Call
The Chronicles Of Narnia Coloring Pages from Educational Coloring Pages

Activities for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Watch the BBC’s “The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe”
Interview with the Pevensie children from BBC’s Narnia

Reading Lesson Activities

Bible Study: A Visit to Narnia from Youth Source

Recipes for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

The White Witch’s Hot Drink from Fictional Fare

Tea with Mr. Tumnus from Yummy Books

Turkish Delight from The Spruce

Chronicles of narnia lesson activities for stella 2

For a complete list of recipes you can check out The Official Narnia Cookbook.

If you find these resources helpful please pin this post so that other’s can find these free resources as well! If you found a free resource NOT listed please let us know and we will update our post!

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